9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Since there are close to 40 total serving options available for the week, we invite you to take time to review all pages and available options prior to signups opening on March 3. Because options are offered on multiple days, we are encouraging every person who calls Hope home to sign up for at least one opportunity, and if you choose, more than one!
Signups for in-person and from home serving options will be open from March 3 to March 17
- All opportunities are first-come, first-serve.
- Most options have limited participants based on what the organization and serving option can handle.
- If your initial choice is full, please choose another serving option. There are many great options we want to complete!
- Serving options are available each day of the week (Sun. afternoon, weekdays as noted, and Sat. morning and afternoon).
- Family-friendly choices are marked.
- After March 17, people can continue to sign up for From Home Serving Options as openings remain until April 26.